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Showing posts from April, 2020


Mechanical Ventilators Here is my Design Layout of Ventilators for rapid manufacturing. low Ventilator India These is an Low Cost solution to manufacture Ventilators. Plug and Play Assembly. Reusable Parts. Require less time to Manufacture. Common Parts Used. Can add Multiple Ventilators For Operation. No requirement of complex (looping) programing. Fully self controlled system.  Contact Me for Futher Sourcing... Thankyou. Below are the reference given to above design check it. hydraliuc ventilators Mahindra Ventilators


DISINFECTION GATE Here are the information which i have study about Disinfection Gate. Here is the Design from my side. INDIA'S FIRST DISINFECTANT TUNNEL Egyptian engineer invents electronic disinfection gate Disinfection booth Disinfection gate Mobiles Desinfektionstor Disinfection Gate SHIELD Disinfection gate Disinfection lock imp Premium disinfection gate pdf Disinfection Gate mobile and stationary preventive biosecurity measure acute epidemic control Nozzle .016" / .4 mm -  for systems where airflow and clearance allow for complete evaporation and where higher water volume is used. Good for  Low and Medium pressure  misting systems nozzle link Body sanitizer machine automatic sanitizer machine plz cont - 8878885111

Mechanical engineering training

Advance + Basic Advance course Introduction:  Overview of Machining Technology, Theory of Chip Formation in Metal Machining Cutting tools Materials Conventional Manufacturing Processes:  Different types of material removal processes Joining & Forming processes Machine tools & their structure. Non-Conventional Manufacturing:  Electrical Discharge Machining  Electro Chemical Machining  Laser Assisted Machining  Forming and joining  Finishing and Polishing Processes.  Production Planning and Control: Process planning & Scheduling Inventory Control Material and Capacity Requirements Planning Just-In-Time Lean Production Basic Course Introduction to Micro Machining Experimentation and hands-on for understanding the machines and manufacturing processes, extensive practical study will be carried out on following  Lathe Drilling Welding Cutting Grinding Moulding Scrapping Pneumatics  CNC Milling CNC wire